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22 Ways To Treat Yo Self For Free In 2022 - Antsy Labs

22 Ways To Treat Yo Self For Free In 2022

Listen, we all love the way Tom and Donna talk about treating yo self.

But we just got done with the holidays. Sure, Grandma sent us another federal government bond that’ll be worth $10 when it matures in 30 years, but for the time being we’re a bit tapped out.

After all the travel, after all the presents, and after New Year’s Eve, we need our spending to take the back seat for a minute.

While we know that self-care is the key to unlocking a treasure trove of benefits (like reducing anxiety and stress, improving concentration, increasing happiness, and boosting energy, for starters), we might not have Tom and Donna-like funds for leather goods and spoiling our Mercedes (if we even have a Mercedes, that is).

So today, we’re focused on the best free ways we can get our self-care on. Read on for a list of 22 ideas that’ll let you indulge without going into debt.

Treat Yo Self Without Breaking The Bank

  1. High-Class Culture - Hobnob with fine arts and even finer artists at your local museum on one of their monthly or seasonal free access days.

  2. Get Your Stream On - Who says you can’t enjoy the show with all the buzz? Sign-up for a free 30-day trial and have a *you* weekend.

  3. Finesse That Fitness - Indulge in that fitness class from the comfort of your home with a luxurious appointment with YouTube.

  4. Treat Yo Home - Free yourself from stress by taking care of that tiny home improvement project. Besides, you already bought the parts, now it’s time to paint that chipped wall.

  5. Pet Some Pups - Volunteer at the animal shelter for some high-energy,low-cost puppy play time.

  6. Hit That Snooze - Really, is there anything more indulgent than saying no to your alarm clock? Apart from saying no altogether and turning it off completely, treat yo self to a lazy morning.

  7.  Sweet, Sweet Snacks - Your workplace offers snacks. You’ve got to go to work. Treat yo self to a day off from the diligent meal prep and sliced carrots with a prepared treat that’s a little sweet.

  8. Knock Out A Nap - You can treat yo self any day by just saying yes the next time your body’s feeling a little droopy. Doze off for an indulgent, afternoon treat.
  9. Take A Book - Those Little Free Libraries are designed for divas like you. Next time you swing by, take a book that looks interesting. Besides, you can always leave a treat for someone else next time.

  10. Picnic Pick-Me-Up - Even Happy Hours can get a little costly, so organize a potluck picnic session with friends at a local park

  11. Clear Out The Clutter - Treat yo self to a mental massage with a 30-minute meditation.

  12. This Calls For Popcorn - Turn your next movie night into a cinema screening with some of your favorite movie snacks.
  13. Bask In Bubbles - Draw yourself a bath with relaxing music, a good read, a glass of wine, and enough bubbles for a bubble beard.

  14. Join The Kids Table - Adult conversations can tend to focus on money - jobs, new purchases, struggles. Treat yo self to a break by spending time with the kids in your life.
  15. Lace Up And Go - Sometimes treating yo self just means doing the things you love. Postpone the rest of your calendar and get out for a hike or a run.
  16. Soften That Skin - Make an appointment to actually use those masks, lotions, scrubs, and other skin care products you’ve been accumulating.

  17. Organize ‘N Thrive - Sometimes taking the time to remove the things that have been stuck on your To Do list can be therapeutic, too. If you’ve put off cleaning your room, now’s the time to organize.
  18. Get Artsy - Remember those pens you bought? That paint set? Those pencils? Treat yo self to an hour in your schedule without any other worries.

  19. Plan A Trip - Just because you don’t have money now doesn’t mean you won’t have it again in the future. There is joy in anticipation, in discovery, and in planning, so we give you permission to indulge in your wanderlust!

  20. Call An Old Friend - Taking the time to connect with an old friend or old coworker can be as restorative as a massage (without the sharp elbows digging into your back), so scroll through the contact list and check in on a past life.
  21. Actually Stop To Smell The Roses - Have you been to all your city’s parks or public gardens? No, but you’ve been meaning to, right? So take a minute and let yourself wander around the green spaces in your city.
  22. Or Don’t Do Anything - Whether it’s about spending money or not, sometimes the best way to treat yo self is to give yourself permission to not do anything at all.

There are plenty of ways to treat yo self, but what’s worth remembering is that however you decide to put yourself first, self care is an accomplishment worth celebrating.

What about you? What are your go-to ways to indulge when you’re a little short on cash?

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