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Summer Splurge: 7 Ways To Treat Yo Self This Summer - Antsy Labs

Summer Splurge: 7 Ways To Treat Yo Self This Summer

The sun is shining, the days are longer, and it’s time to treat yo self.

While the season itself is a welcome respite from the colder winter months, there’s no reason why you can’t double down on the summer fun.

To inspire your summer indulgences, we’ve put together a list of ways you can take advantage of the summer season. 

7 Ways To Show Yourself Self-Love This Summer

  1. Poolside Books - We have to start with the quintessential summertime activity. Normally, though, the stack of summertime reads comes alongside suitcases and swimsuits. The goal of treating yo self is to take special moments for yourself. While a vacation could certainly check that box, we’re hoping you can use this as inspiration to take a half-day, turn off your phone’s notifications, and find a nearby pool.

  2. Take A Creative Class - Part of treating yo self is not putting off something you’ve been wanting to do. No more “I’m too busy” and no more “Maybe the next time.” This summer, it’s time to put clay on the wheel, paint on the canvas, and lead on the paper. Young you got to go to creative summer camps, after all, so why can’t you? It’s time to channel your inner artist and make a space to treat yo creative adult self.

  3. Make It To A Matinee - Sure, there’s something to be said for the experience of going to a full movie theater on opening weekend. Second to that - and 100% more indulgent - is heading to the movies by yourself when almost nobody else is there. Sit however you want to sit (or recline, lean, lounge, slouch - there’s no judgment here, just treating yo self) and enjoy your nearly-private screening experience.

  4. Sweat It Out - So much of summer is about avoiding sweat. We don’t want to arrive sweaty to the office. We don’t want to have sweat stains when we go to the bar. We don’t want to feel other people’s sweat on the subway. For this treat yo self, give yourself permission to get a little sweaty. Go for a hike (while staying hydrated!) and just let the sweat happen. It’s a good natural release - and it will be a relief not to have to be dabbing and drying every five seconds.

  5. Sneak Away For A Day - While others are planning full-on getaways (and maybe you are, too!), taking a day for yourself and going on a spontaneous trip is a great way to recharge. Look for road trips that could take you to cities an hour or two away, explore on your own, and then enjoy your refreshed perspective as you head back home.

  6. Tour Your Town - You don’t have to pair socks with sandals to be a tourist in your own town. From finding a local food tour to hiring a guide to take you through a museum,  treat yo self to a new way of enjoying the place you call home.

  7. You’re Already Summer-Ready - It’s this time of year that the magazines seem to goad us into looking our summer-best. For this treat yo self, all you need to do is slip on your swimsuit to be summer-ready. After all, there’s no magical amount of exercise or secret ingredient that’s going to achieve what a Photoshopped magazine cover achieves, so live in the moment and enjoy the season with the wonderful body you’ve got!

What about you? How do you plan on treating yo self to a little rest & relaxation this summer?

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