H2O On The Go: 4 Tips For Staying Hydrated While Traveling
Licking your lips at the idea of traveling this summer? If so, it’s not just because you’re excited about the adventures you’ve got lined up! It’s because staying hydrated while traveling is trickier than it sounds.
While we understand that staying hydrated during the summer is something we have to pay extra attention to, it’s the travel part that can make it extra dangerous.
Stay Hydrated and Reward Yourself

From waiting in amusement park lines in the sun to cross-country flights with only a small cup of water, summer travel has a way of leaving little dehydration traps for us all over the place.
To keep you prepared and healthy this summer, we’re doing a deep dive on staying hydrated while traveling, including what makes it so challenging as well as tips to maintain your hydration habits on the go.
The Challenges of Staying Hydrated While Traveling
One of the first things that comes to mind with summer travels is fun in the sun. We’re headed to warm locations, outdoor spots, and enjoying the sun’s rays.
In all those situations, though, we know that we need to stay hydrated. When we spend time at the beach, sun exposure and heat can increase fluid loss, helping to compound the challenge of staying hydrated.
This isn’t the only challenge of staying hydrated while traveling. When we embark on our travel adventures, several factors make it challenging to stay hydrated. That includes
Local water - Depending on where we’re going, we may not be able to drink the local tap water, leading us to consume less water overall.
Bottled water - In places like amusement parks, bottled water can be pricey, and if we’re trying to move quickly around a new city, those bottles can be cumbersome. Whatever the reason, we might end up drinking less water than we should.
More alcohol - From the cocktails on the plane to the margaritas on the beach, the adults among us may end up drinking more on vacation. If we’re not compensating with water, we can end up becoming dehydrated.
Another challenge of staying hydrated while traveling is the actual traveling itself.
To effectively combat dehydration while traveling, it's important to identify the key places where it commonly occurs. That can include airports, where bottled water can be pricier, and airplanes, which have especially dry cabin air and limited access to water.
Another travel tip is to be conscious of long waits in line for tours or attractions, which can also lead to dehydration, especially in hot climates (though staying hydrated in cool climates is just as important!).
4 Tips For Staying Hydrated While Traveling
1. Portable Hydration Solutions
Invest in a reusable water bottle that is easy to carry and fill up wherever you go.
Look for bottles with built-in filters or choose a travel-friendly water purifier to address concerns about water quality.
This way, you can stay hydrated without relying solely on bottled water purchases.
2. Stay Mindful of Water Intake
Set reminders or establish a hydration schedule to ensure regular water intake throughout the day.
Use smartphone apps or wearable devices to track your hydration progress and maintain awareness of your fluid consumption.
When engaging in activities or spending time in the sun, be proactive about drinking water at regular intervals.
3. Overcoming Common Obstacles
To overcome the challenges of dehydration, it's crucial to plan ahead.
Research water sources and facilities in your destination to find safe and accessible places to refill your water bottle.
If alcohol consumption is part of your travel experience, make a conscious effort to balance it with water intake to prevent dehydration.
4. Making A Game Of It
One way to stay hydrated during the summer is to motivate yourself by making a game of it. With the Hydration IRLA Pack, you can reward yourself with real-life medals when you achieve your drinking goals, like drinking a half-gallon of water every day for a week.
You don’t have to be an iconic male model to know water is the essence of life. Celebrate the road to hydration with these IRLAs, which you’ll earn by knocking back refreshing cups of the good stuff and giving back to your body. Water may not be the most exciting drink, but remember this: drinking water regularly helps you think clearly, your skin glow, and gives you more energy. Not a bad start for eight little ounces.
Who wants another round?
You can also take on some more interesting hydration challenges to turn the task of drinking water into something a little more fun. From getting your kids to drink more water to ways to spice up your ice, we hope this helps you find inspiration for staying hydrated while traveling.
Motivate Yourself To Stay Hydrated During Summer
Traveling should be a time of joy and discovery, and staying hydrated is essential for maintaining your health and well-being throughout your journeys.
By understanding the challenges of hydration on the go, identifying likely places for dehydration, and implementing practical strategies, you can overcome obstacles and ensure that your travel experiences are not compromised by dehydration-related issues.
Embrace these tips and tricks, and make hydration a priority as you embark on your next adventure.
You don’t have to be an iconic male model to know water is the essence of life. Celebrate the road to hydration with these IRLAs, which you’ll earn by knocking back refreshing cups of the good stuff and giving back to your body. Water may not be the most exciting drink, but remember this: drinking water regularly helps you think clearly, your skin glow, and gives you more energy. Not a bad start for eight little ounces.
Who wants another round?