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Take On The Surprisingly Sweet 31-Day Acts Of Kindness Challenge - Antsy Labs

Take On The Surprisingly Sweet 31-Day Acts Of Kindness Challenge

While a random act of kindness is great in theory, we believe that kindness is even more powerful when it’s intentional.

By practicing kindness, we can make it more impactful for ourselves, the people around us, and the areas where we live. 

After all, there are plenty of ways kindness can work to better our communities, from picking up trash and paying for a stranger’s lunch to shopping at small businesses and volunteering at meal centers.


Unlock each of these IRLAs by leaving your community just a little bit better than you found it. An act of kindness isn’t defined by the size but by the heart. You give your time and energy to set an example worth following, serving others, and sharing yourself to be a force for change, one action at a time.

Brighten someone’s day today.

Yet when kindness is random, it’s harder to count on. We’re not taking anything away from those sweet, unplanned moments, but we wanted to also do something that could turn these individual acts of kindness into something greater.

To do so, we put together a list of some of our favorite acts of kindness and created a 31-Day Acts of Kindness Challenge! 

31-Day Acts of Kindness Challenge

Day 1: Write a thank you note to a healthcare worker. 

After all, we made a point of showing appreciation for their hard work and dedication during the pandemic, and all of the amazing work they do is still happening!

Day 2: Donate old clothes to a local charity. 

Especially when it comes to layers of clothing and heavier articles like jackets and coats, this can help people in need while also reducing waste.

Day 3: Leave a positive review for a small business you love. 

Small businesses are a fabric of the community, yet we can sometimes take them for granted. This small review helps the business attract more customers and build their reputation.

Day 4: Offer to help an elderly neighbor with their grocery shopping. 

Though we have a million and one apps to make things automatic, sometimes folks just want to get out and about in the world. 

Day 5: Leave a generous tip for a server or delivery person. 

Show appreciation for their hard work and make their day a little brighter.

Day 6: Buy a coffee for the person behind you in line.

You never know when someone might be in a rush or having an off-day, and even the smallest gesture can add delight to their day. 

Day 7: Plant a tree or some flowers in your community. 

While not everyone has the space for their own flowers, finding a spot to help beautify your neighborhood is a great way to better your community.

Day 8: Offer to walk a neighbor's dog. 

When you notice your neighbors are busy or could use a helping hand, offer to take a small daily chore off their hands. 

Day 9: Send a care package to a friend who's going through a tough time.

See that someone is posting on social media about a struggle? Go beyond the comment section and send them an IRL care package. 

Day 10: Share a positive news story on social media.

We get enough negativity and outrage throughout our day. Spread positivity and inspire others to do the same.

Day 11: Donate to or volunteer at a local food bank.

Help feed people in need by volunteering – even if you’re going to be on vacation!

Day 12: Compliment a stranger.

Make someone's day a little brighter and spread kindness with a compliment (online or IRL!).

Day 13: Clean up litter in your neighborhood.

You never know what ripple effects you can cause by taking a small step to change things for the better. 

Day 14: Offer to help a friend with a home improvement project.

From helping paint a bathroom to hanging art around the house, house projects are more fun when done with company! 

Day 15: Call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while.

We’re all busy, which is why it’s so nice to spend time actually reconnecting.

Day 16: Donate blood. 

Help save lives and support your local healthcare system (while getting some cookies and juice!).

Day 17: Offer to babysit for a friend or family member.

Give them a break and show that you care.

Day 18: Leave a kind note for a coworker.

You’d be surprised at how well a little Post-It Note can boost morale.

Day 19: Shop locally and support small businesses.

Help support your local economy and build community.

Day 20: Donate books or toys to a children's hospital.

Bring some joy and entertainment to children who are going through a tough time.

Day 21: Write a positive message with chalk on a sidewalk or wall.

Spread positivity and inspiration to your neighborhood.

Day 22: Offer to help a neighbor with their yard work.

Show that you care and help them out.

Day 23: Volunteer at a local nonprofit.

From supporting their local 5k by handing out water to assisting high school students with their college essays, this is a great way to pay it forward.

Day 24: Donate to a scholarship fund for a local student.

Help support education and make a positive impact on a student's life.

Day 25: Leave a generous tip for a hairdresser or barber.

Show appreciation for their hard work and make their day a little brighter.

Day 26: Bake cookies for your coworkers or neighbors.

Spread joy and kindness with a sweet treat (and it doesn’t hurt if you keep one or two for yourself!).

Day 27: Offer to help a friend move or organize their home.

While helping someone move gets a bad rap, it’s still one of the most appreciated gestures between friends.  

Day 28: Buy a gift card from a local business to use later.

If you don’t need anything at the moment but want to show your appreciation to a local business, buying a gift card can be a great gesture.

Day 29: Donate to a nonprofit that supports a cause you care about. 

For causes that you’d like to support but don’t have opportunities for you to volunteer your time, send a small donation instead.

Day 30: Offer to mentor students in your field at a local community college.

Sharing your professional experiences can be one of the best ways to inspire students.

Day 31: Treat yourself to something nice.

Kindness starts from within. Doing an act of kindness for yourself (especially if it’s gelato-related) deserves its own shoutout, too.


Unlock each of these IRLAs by leaving your community just a little bit better than you found it. An act of kindness isn’t defined by the size but by the heart. You give your time and energy to set an example worth following, serving others, and sharing yourself to be a force for change, one action at a time.

Brighten someone’s day today.

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